Lotr Bfme 2 No Cd Patch 1.06

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There are several things that you could try:
1. Run the BFME2 patch switcher (1.06/1.07/1.08), try switching patches and see if you can get the game to run.
2. Make sure your graphics card driver is up to date. I've diagnosed several issues where people couldn't get their BFME game to run because of their GPU drivers. Intel onboard graphics tend to be pretty incompatible with such old games, so if your laptop uses a dual GPU hybrid setup, either completely disable the intel GPU and use your AMD or NVIDIA card, or fully update your AMD/NVIDIA driver and use the panel settings to make sure that the game uses your secondary AMD/NVIDIA GPU and not the intel one. Some laptops allow you to fully disable the Intel onboard GPU in BIOS. If you're only on Intel onboard graphics, then update its driver and see if it works. If not, keep downgrading the driver version until you find one which works (google on how to properly uninstall and install GPU drivers). If that still doesn't work, then I'm afraid you need a new GPU or PC as one member who had a similar case.
3. This won't work, but play with compatibility and administrator settings of the game executable and see what happens.

Has taken from gamereplays.org

  • Published on Jan 13, 2015
  • ***UPDATE***
    After a few years here are some updates:
    Just started playing this again last weekend. Here is what I've got for you guys:
    1) Download WinCDEmu, I prefer this over daemon tools
    2) The other links for BFME2 Mini CD, All-In-One Patcher and Switcher, and the entire game work. The Full game will require a firefox/chrome app. I used it and then removed it ASAP. It should be clean enough(the addon I mean)
    3)I also use gameranger and not hamachi or their T3A:online app.
    Just mount the game with WinCDEmu, install it, mount the MDS(not the MDF) mini image and you should be good to go. Just follow the other instructions and you should be good.
    This is a short-ish video for you guys to Download, Install, and Play BFME2
    Set of links:
    The first page with a walk through www.gamereplays.org/community/index.php?showtopic=784346
    The torrent: Use the torrent in the link above.(Only if you already own the game)
    Winrar: Use the GamerReplays link
    Daemon Tools: www.daemon-tools.cc/products/dtLite#features Get the Free one
    1.06 Patch: ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/eapacific/lotr/lotrbfme2/LotrBfMe2-65542-english.exe
    BT2DC/1.07: drive.google.com/file/d/0B3X-Pc5kHGs9aGhsR3NXTkcyMGc/view?usp=sharing
    BFME2 Mini-image: www.gameburnworld.com/dl/dl.php?file=LordOfTheRingsBattleForMiddleEarth2v1.0MaxiMiniBackupImageEng.rar
    SD4Hider: www.dvhardware.net/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=60
    Step 1: Download all files that will be needed for the install.
    Step 2:Find folder where the torrent dled too
    Step 3:Open .rar
    Step 4:Extract rar/iso
    Step 5:Install/Open Daemon tools set up 2 new drives
    Step 6:mount iso/install normal
    Step 7: update using the 1.06 dl and then the 1.07
    Step 8: Extract the mini image/ sd4
    Step 9 Mount th mini
    Step 10: run sd4
    Step 11: if game does not work edit options
    Step 12: play game